Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are the most productive exercises to do with a yoga ball?

I have a yoga ball and know a few exercises to do with it, but I%26#039;m looking for more. Mainly I want to work on my stomach, butt, and legs. any ideas?|||You might try ab exercises such as: super slow set of crunches where you put your hands behind head, arms out to the sides, low back on the ball and lift each vertebra off the ball one by one until you%26#039;re in the sit up position then do the same all the way back down to the floor. Barely stop at the top and at the bottom. Keep in constant motion. Do these to fatigue. Followed by 2 sets of alternating obliques where you take each elbow and go to the opposite side. Being careful to again lift each vertebra off the floor one by one. And, concentrate on making a smooth arc in the air with your elbow then alternate sides. No matter how far you get you will have worked both sides.

I also like the pushups on the ball. Get into the %26quot;plank%26quot; pose with you front thighs on the ball. Make you body a %26quot;stiff plank%26quot; and then walk out a little with your hands the do a pushup. This is a great way to burn calories, work your core muscles and arms! More for less time!

Best of luck to you....|||you can do standard crunches or lay on your stomach on the ball and walk your hands out so your body is parallel to the floor and you are holding yourself up with your hands and your knees on all the ball then press your butt up while keeping your legs straight. this will work your stomach. i like to do this one at home because i feel like i look silly, but it really works!!

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