Monday, November 16, 2009

Could anyone find me a good yoga routine to strengthen my surfing?

Just so you know, I%26#039;m thirteen, great are cardio, but just not that strong in my core. Strengthening it would be very helpful. I%26#039;m an inexperienced yoga student but will learn fast. And I want something that would only be up to twenty minutes a night.

Thank you! If you have any other excercises you think would help, please tell me!|||I think you need the deep breathing exercises to make your breath stronger, and the yogic asanas with their physiological benefits.. for this check this free yoga e-course:|||I would say starting with a few sun salutations to build heat in the body some standing poses and then for sure balancing postures like Eka pada jathara parivarttadasana and tree pose, and over time, depending on your abilities moving into warrior III. Learning 3-part breath is vital because the breath shows when the mind loses focus. I would recommend maybe taking a 1 or 2 private classes with a local teacher to help you better understand the mechanics behind the breath and postures... also this web page might help...|||Join the courses offered by the Art of Living foundation which teaches yoga and breathing techniques. Visit

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