My girlfriend wants to do yoga but we don%26#039;t know if it%26#039;s ok to do it and when- we know pregnancy yoga is good.|||Yoga -- with modifications -- is a wonderful activity for most pregnant women. Please advise your girlfriend to check with her physician that yoga is appropriate for her.
If your girlfriend is cleared to begin/continue a yoga practice during her pregnancy, there are several things she should take into consideration:
1. If your girlfriend was not practicing yoga regularly prior to her pregnancy, it is advisable that she not begin a new practice during weeks 11 to 14 of her pregnancy. (This is due to an increased risk of miscarriage during these weeks which may be exacerbated by the commencement of new physical exercise activities at this time.)
2. Pregnant women produce a hormone called relaxin which helps to stretch and relax the pelvis to make room for the baby. It also works on connective tissue elsewhere in the body. Pregnant women must take special care to practice GENTLE stretching as it is easy for them to overstretch and strain muscles during this time.
3. The growing baby needs room. Therefore pregnant women are advised to avoid poses which compress the abdomen. Twists should be performed to the open side, a wide-legged stance adopted for forward folding poses and prone (lying on the belly) positions avoided. The general rule of thumb is to practice these modifications throughout the second and third trimesters of pregnancy -- but every woman%26#039;s body is different. Your girlfriend%26#039;s own comfort level is the best indicator of when she needs to start following these modifications.
4. The growing baby takes up room -- and pushes on the mother%26#039;s body to do so. Pregnant women are generally advised not to lie supine (on their backs) after the first trimester as the baby%26#039;s weight can press on the vena cava when in this posture and adversely affect blood pressure.
5. Lowered blood pressure and an altered centre of gravity affect a woman%26#039;s sense of balance during pregnancy. For this reason, special care should be taken during balancing postures and women should move into and out of poses slowly (no jumping!). Pregnant women can widen their base of support in standing poses by widening their stance. During the later stages of pregnancy, your girlfriend may want to keep both feet on the ground during balancing poses. (The weight can be shifted to the standing leg without completely lifting the second foot.) Again, your girlfriend%26#039;s own body will be the best indicator of when to start making these modifications.
6. If your girlfriend is participating in instructor-led classes, she should inform her instructor before class that she is pregnant. This will notify the instructor that she or he needs to give suitable pregnancy modifications throughout the class.
7. There is no one standardized school of thought, training or certification for yoga instructors. Neither have there been any large scale scientific studies done on the effects of specific yoga postures on pregnant women or their babies. Your girlfriend may encounter one instructor who tells her a certain pose is fine to do during pregnancy and another who will say that pose is a definite no-no. Both instructors are simply teaching best practices as they understand them from their own yoga traditions. It is important for your girlfriend to consult multiple sources and to make informed decisions for herself regarding what is right for her.
8. Above all, yoga practitioners need to learn to listen to their own bodies and be guided by how they are feeling and responding to the poses. This is true throughout all stages of pregnancy -- and for the rest of us as well!
Here are a couple of good links for further information on yoga and pregnancy:|||As a yoga teacher you can do yoga while you are pregnant but I would strongly suggest to find a pregnancy yoga class or someone who has been certified in teaching pregnant women.
If you have complications in your pregnancy I would check with your doctor before going through with yoga. But honestly Yoga would be great for you and your baby.
There are many variations of posture that you can do. Most yoga teachers can work with you if you already go to a yoga class.
I hope this has helped|||Well as any program says, check with your doctor first...but when it comes to exercise and pregnancy it is a good rule of thumb, if you were doing it before you got pregnant you can keep it up through the pregnancy unless it is high boxing. You will have a way easier pregnancy and delivery if you are in shape. Yoga is fantastic to keep up through pregnancy because it keeps everything flexible and toned. You can also tailor the workout as you get huge!|||yes its ok, unless you have a condition that resricts your activity (i.e you are on bed rest) so check with your doc.
excercise is great when you are pregnant.
i jogged when I was pregnant, and did the eliptical. hell, i had some of the best s-e-x of my life when i was was preggo with my last.
did you do yoga before? were you physically active? if so..........go for it girl. trimester doesn%26#039;t matter, just trust your body. if you are worn out, take a breather.
they have lots of pregnancy yoga classes. i think the positions are a little different to ensure you are super confortable.
best wishes!.......and have fun with yoga!|||yes its a great exercise during pregnancy i did it all the way though my pregnancy with my first child and did not put any extra baby weight on. my child came out fit and healthy. but be sure to use a qualified instructor there are a couple of positions that are not suitable in pregnancy.|||for what my Dr. has told me, its fine to keep doing the excersices you were doing before you got pregnant, and as you get bigger you will want to slow down and ask your Dr. whats the right amount of activity to continue with...
BUT if you are just now starting out you will have to ask your Dr. first with what you should start off with|||Everyone will say to check with your doctor first to make sure that any type of exercise is okay.
However, if the doctor says it%26#039;s okay to exercise, then yes, yoga is very good for you and the baby.|||She should discuss this with a qualified instructor. There are some types of yoga and positions that are fine, others that are, or may be problematic.|||Yes gentle yoga is good.|||which path of yoga is she doing? Anyway, yoga isn%26#039;t for fat burning...just try not to do positions that are strenuous.|||Yes, but find a prenatal yoga class.
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