Friday, November 18, 2011

How To Yoga Help To achieve Ultimate Satisfaction Within Self Imposition?

Many people think applying yoga help to stimulate more energy for healing purposes. How far can that be true. Any answers, awaiting for it.|||I recommend you read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to understand the goals of yoga (union). They were written approximately 2200 years ago by the Sage Patanjali.

You can find translations online, from the original Sanskrit. See below for a link to my favorite translation of the Yoga Sutras.

Then find a good yoga teacher, attend class as often as possible, and practice yoga every day on your own, wherever you are each day. One can do yoga anywhere.

There are 8 limbs to yoga, as explained in the Yoga Sutras.

The first limb is Yamas, which are restraints.

There are five of them:

not stealing, not lying, non-violence, not lusting (this does not necessarily mean chastity), and non-attachment.

The second limb is Niyamas, which are observances.

There are also five of them:

cleanliness, contentment, discipline, self-study, and surrender to the Supreme (all one).

The third limb is Asana, which means posture, or pose. This will help to build a strong body, a vehicle for enjoying life.

The fourth limb is Pranayama, which means breath control, or rather awareness of the breath.

The fifth limb is Pratyahara, to bring the senses within. This is preparation for meditation.

The sixth limb is Dharana, meditation on an object or person.

The seventh limb is Dhyana, to become one with the object or person focused on in meditation. Full integration with the object or person focused on in meditation is achieved.

The eighth limb is Samadhi. Full integration is achieved with all. There are other states above this.

Healing is definitely helped by yoga. Yoga will increase energy, reduce stress, bring peace of mind, enlightenment.|||Practicing yoga creates that kind of equilibrium and inner strength... When you perform your yoga pose in coordination with the deep breathing techniques, you will feel the energy flows with your blood and your whole body energized.. Yoga is a practice! So, you can not really discover its benefits only through practice.. this free yoga e-course will help you more to understand it better:

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