Sunday, April 26, 2009
How long after a yoga session should I wait to lift?
I just started doing yoga about a week ago, and I really enjoy how I feel afterward. Since I feel rejuvenated and full of energy after a session, I like to do it in the morning. I like to lift weights or do some cardio in the afternoon or at night if I have the time and energy. But, I read online that doing yoga makes you temporarily weaker because of the static stretching. About how long does this temporary weakness last? A few minutes? Hours? Days? |||Do it in the morning and lift at night. Static stretching helps prevent injury and is the best way to warm up your muscles.|||i think you should do cardio exercises before doing yoga. this will help you to increase your flexibility
What kind of yoga should I do for endometriosis?
I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis. I am going to try a Holistic/Alternative approach to treatment and %26quot;cure%26quot;, as a supplement to medical treatment.
I want to start yoga. What kind of yoga should I do that would be best for this condition? I know that yoga can do more harm than good if you are doing the wrong kind.
Any videos to get? Should I try %26quot;yoga for fertility%26quot; videos?
Also, any advice on endmoteriosis treatment would be appreciated! Thank you!|||You should try EFT.
Emotional Freedom Techniques. You can learn the basics for free from this website.You can also download the EFT course for free on The Pirate Bay torrent.You can find tonnes of yoga video%26#039;s as well on pirate bay.|||Depending on how serious your symptoms are... I would probably start with hatha yoga as hot yoga may be a little much.
There are certain poses that can help alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis. I would be cautious to count on yoga entirely to %26quot;heal%26quot; your condition but you are using it as a supplement anyways. :)
My issue with most videos is that it%26#039;s hard to find the proper alignment for a certain poses. So you can end up really hurting by muscling into a pose or overstretching. Or sometimes, there aren%26#039;t enough variations given in a video. Maybe you can%26#039;t get into the pose, maybe you can get into the pose and don%26#039;t feel anything. It%26#039;s tough to modify poses on your own without experience.
Most studios have promotions for first time visitors. My studio has one week unlimited and one month unlimited specials for your first time. I would probably head into a studio and talk to the teacher ahead of time about your condition... That way, he / she can keep an eye on you in class and help you with poses that can help your condition.
A good resource is also Yoga Journal.
I hope all goes well for you. Namaste!|||Yoga is very relaxing and good for stress release, which improves your overall health. However, it will not directly help your endometriosis. I suggest you find a place that%26#039;s close and cheap and go with a friend. It%26#039;s more fun in pairs.
I want to start yoga. What kind of yoga should I do that would be best for this condition? I know that yoga can do more harm than good if you are doing the wrong kind.
Any videos to get? Should I try %26quot;yoga for fertility%26quot; videos?
Also, any advice on endmoteriosis treatment would be appreciated! Thank you!|||You should try EFT.
Emotional Freedom Techniques. You can learn the basics for free from this website.You can also download the EFT course for free on The Pirate Bay torrent.You can find tonnes of yoga video%26#039;s as well on pirate bay.|||Depending on how serious your symptoms are... I would probably start with hatha yoga as hot yoga may be a little much.
There are certain poses that can help alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis. I would be cautious to count on yoga entirely to %26quot;heal%26quot; your condition but you are using it as a supplement anyways. :)
My issue with most videos is that it%26#039;s hard to find the proper alignment for a certain poses. So you can end up really hurting by muscling into a pose or overstretching. Or sometimes, there aren%26#039;t enough variations given in a video. Maybe you can%26#039;t get into the pose, maybe you can get into the pose and don%26#039;t feel anything. It%26#039;s tough to modify poses on your own without experience.
Most studios have promotions for first time visitors. My studio has one week unlimited and one month unlimited specials for your first time. I would probably head into a studio and talk to the teacher ahead of time about your condition... That way, he / she can keep an eye on you in class and help you with poses that can help your condition.
A good resource is also Yoga Journal.
I hope all goes well for you. Namaste!|||Yoga is very relaxing and good for stress release, which improves your overall health. However, it will not directly help your endometriosis. I suggest you find a place that%26#039;s close and cheap and go with a friend. It%26#039;s more fun in pairs.
What is the big difference between Yoga breathing and Zen Meditation?
When you meditate using Yoga what do you do to meditate? I am talking about relaxing Yoga like breathing Yoga.
And with the Zen meditation do you follow the samething? Or you are counting your breathing etc?
Please give me example and breathing ratio.
Thank you.|||The Difference Between Yoga Breathing ( Pranayam) and Zen Meditation.
- Yoga Breathing ( Pranayam ) - :
Pranayama (Sanskrit: pr膩峁嚹亂膩ma) is a Sanskrit word meaning %26quot;lengthening of the prana or breath%26quot;.
While Zen Meditation : Includes Zazen %26amp; Sesshin : which itself express the meditation while sitting in Half Pranyam Position and Breathing.
Several researchers have reported that pranayama techniques are beneficial in treating a range of stress related disorders,[33] improving autonomic functions,[34] relieving symptoms of asthma,[35][36] and reducing signs of oxidative stress.[37][38] Practitioners report that the practice of pranayama develops a steady mind, strong will-power, and sound judgement,[32] and also claim that sustained pranayama practice extends life and enhances perception.[39]
Sources by information :|||Zazen is practiced by monks sitting on the floor in the full-lotus, half-lotus, or a few other leg positions, and the monk, with his hands in a mudra in his lap, and eyes half-closed, focuses on breathing from the center of gravity in his body. Monks also focus on koans, or Zen riddles, and practice Shikantaza (just sitting). Some monks count as they breathe, others mentally repeat mantras.
There are many different varieties, or styles, of Yoga meditation (Vedanta, Raja, Surat Shabd, Japa, Bhakti, Hatha) and each has it%26#039;s own way of meditating.
I don%26#039;t believe there is any set breathing ratio. If you want to learn to meditate, I would suggest going to a Buddhist center or a yoga studio, where someone can teach you to meditate properly.|||Both are same and ways to make your mind fresh. By Yog asanas, we remove the distortions and disabilities of the physical body and bring it into discipline. However Pranayama influences the subtle and the physical bodies in a greater measure than Yogsanas do and that too in a perceptible manner. In the human body, lungs, heart and brain hold very important positions and they depend on each other heavily for their health.|||They are different because each master in the meditation practice has his own method. Breathing is natural in the Falun Gong meditation.
Guided meditation demonstration video, meditation music, and books about Falun Gong are free to download from the URL listed below. If you need any help, contact a local practitioner in your area for free instructions.
Falun Gong is a unique Buddhist School, found in 1992 by Master Li Hongzhi in China. About 100 million people practice in over 80 countries worldwide. Falun Gong is an ancient practice for the body, mind, and spirit based upon the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. Falun Gong consists of five sets of powerful exercises.
Falun Gong, Tibetans, other Buddhists, and Christians have been persecuted in China. The most offensive human right violation is the organ harvesting from the Falun Gong practitioners in China.|||they are the same thing; they are both meditation|||One is Hindu %26amp; the other is Buddhist.
And with the Zen meditation do you follow the samething? Or you are counting your breathing etc?
Please give me example and breathing ratio.
Thank you.|||The Difference Between Yoga Breathing ( Pranayam) and Zen Meditation.
- Yoga Breathing ( Pranayam ) - :
Pranayama (Sanskrit: pr膩峁嚹亂膩ma) is a Sanskrit word meaning %26quot;lengthening of the prana or breath%26quot;.
While Zen Meditation : Includes Zazen %26amp; Sesshin : which itself express the meditation while sitting in Half Pranyam Position and Breathing.
Several researchers have reported that pranayama techniques are beneficial in treating a range of stress related disorders,[33] improving autonomic functions,[34] relieving symptoms of asthma,[35][36] and reducing signs of oxidative stress.[37][38] Practitioners report that the practice of pranayama develops a steady mind, strong will-power, and sound judgement,[32] and also claim that sustained pranayama practice extends life and enhances perception.[39]
Sources by information :|||Zazen is practiced by monks sitting on the floor in the full-lotus, half-lotus, or a few other leg positions, and the monk, with his hands in a mudra in his lap, and eyes half-closed, focuses on breathing from the center of gravity in his body. Monks also focus on koans, or Zen riddles, and practice Shikantaza (just sitting). Some monks count as they breathe, others mentally repeat mantras.
There are many different varieties, or styles, of Yoga meditation (Vedanta, Raja, Surat Shabd, Japa, Bhakti, Hatha) and each has it%26#039;s own way of meditating.
I don%26#039;t believe there is any set breathing ratio. If you want to learn to meditate, I would suggest going to a Buddhist center or a yoga studio, where someone can teach you to meditate properly.|||Both are same and ways to make your mind fresh. By Yog asanas, we remove the distortions and disabilities of the physical body and bring it into discipline. However Pranayama influences the subtle and the physical bodies in a greater measure than Yogsanas do and that too in a perceptible manner. In the human body, lungs, heart and brain hold very important positions and they depend on each other heavily for their health.|||They are different because each master in the meditation practice has his own method. Breathing is natural in the Falun Gong meditation.
Guided meditation demonstration video, meditation music, and books about Falun Gong are free to download from the URL listed below. If you need any help, contact a local practitioner in your area for free instructions.
Falun Gong is a unique Buddhist School, found in 1992 by Master Li Hongzhi in China. About 100 million people practice in over 80 countries worldwide. Falun Gong is an ancient practice for the body, mind, and spirit based upon the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. Falun Gong consists of five sets of powerful exercises.
Falun Gong, Tibetans, other Buddhists, and Christians have been persecuted in China. The most offensive human right violation is the organ harvesting from the Falun Gong practitioners in China.|||they are the same thing; they are both meditation|||One is Hindu %26amp; the other is Buddhist.
What do to with a yoga ball and how to get rid of lovehandles?
ok i have a couple of questions:
1.i have a yoga ball and people say they are good with targeting the lower abs.what do you do with a yoga ball?what are the excercises that you do?
2.what are excercises that are great for getting rid of lovehandles?
any links would be appreciated.and i don%26#039;t want to have to buy any equipment.all i have is the yoga ball.|||Facing upwards, place the yoga ball underneath your stomach and hold your feet on the other side. Then slowly lean back and forth using only your stomach muscles.|||Here is a great website with TONS of resources for working out, and I found a 15 minute video that intro%26#039;s you on how to work out with your ball, and using it correctly. There are also other links on the page to give you more information after you have watched the video.
I use this site to help me lose weight, so you may have to log on to be able to access the video. Don%26#039;t worry, they WILL NOT share your email address with anyone (I%26#039;ve been a member on the site for over a year now) and they never charge you for anything, ever. It%26#039;s a great site for helping people learn a healthier lifestyle.
Check out the video for using your yoga ball (or %26quot;stability ball%26quot;)
Good luck!|||Do real exercise
Elliptical jogging [jogging while really moving your arms back and forward]|||i do side leg lifts which help me
lie on ur side
prop ur head up with one hand and keep on lifting up one of ur legs up and down
do these on each side
i do 100 lifts on each side
1.i have a yoga ball and people say they are good with targeting the lower abs.what do you do with a yoga ball?what are the excercises that you do?
2.what are excercises that are great for getting rid of lovehandles?
any links would be appreciated.and i don%26#039;t want to have to buy any equipment.all i have is the yoga ball.|||Facing upwards, place the yoga ball underneath your stomach and hold your feet on the other side. Then slowly lean back and forth using only your stomach muscles.|||Here is a great website with TONS of resources for working out, and I found a 15 minute video that intro%26#039;s you on how to work out with your ball, and using it correctly. There are also other links on the page to give you more information after you have watched the video.
I use this site to help me lose weight, so you may have to log on to be able to access the video. Don%26#039;t worry, they WILL NOT share your email address with anyone (I%26#039;ve been a member on the site for over a year now) and they never charge you for anything, ever. It%26#039;s a great site for helping people learn a healthier lifestyle.
Check out the video for using your yoga ball (or %26quot;stability ball%26quot;)
Good luck!|||Do real exercise
Elliptical jogging [jogging while really moving your arms back and forward]|||i do side leg lifts which help me
lie on ur side
prop ur head up with one hand and keep on lifting up one of ur legs up and down
do these on each side
i do 100 lifts on each side
How do I become a certified yoga instructor?
I am interested in becoming a yoga instructor, specifically for prenatal and mommy and me yoga (also known as Itsy Bitsy Yoga in some places). I used to do yoga all the time and I am now getting back into it and my love for it keeps growing. I know it will take a long time, and I am starting by taking regular Hatha Yoga classes, I just want to know the steps I will need to take, and any tips from anyone who has been there.|||Talk with your Yoga instructor to see how they were certified...and to see %26quot;if%26quot; they are certified, many are, but quite a few are not...
You could also look online to see what the cert process is...try doing a google search on Yoga Certification and see what comes up...
You could also look online to see what the cert process is...try doing a google search on Yoga Certification and see what comes up...
How much yoga does it take to become a yoga pro?
I%26#039;ve been doing yoga for a while, and I definitly can feel a deference in how I am able to move now. The guys on my yoga tapes are bendy to the extreme though. Any yoga gurus out there, please let me know how many months, years, etc. it takes to have a great range of motion, and a ton of flexibility.|||It%26#039;s a case by case basis. Being a %26#039;yoga pro%26#039; isn%26#039;t about bendibility. The fact is we are born with a set range of motion. The muscles hold about 20% of the flexibility. The ligaments only 4%. So, once you%26#039;ve worked out all the flexibility that is being held in the muscules, you only have 4% left to go and if you go over that level, then you can hurt yourself and damage the ligaments (in other words, don%26#039;t do it - don%26#039;t over push yourself past pain ).
The other thing about yoga is the spiritual aspect which comes with letting go of expectation, judgement and competition. This is more important than the flexibility and physical balance that we observe. So, once we%26#039;ve mastered those inner voices - once we%26#039;ve let go of those things like the ego which hold us back then, we may quite happily say that we%26#039;ve become %26#039;yoga pros%26#039;... but at that point, when you%26#039;ve conquered these ego based attachments, you might not want to be a yoga pro anymore - and be just really happy with where you%26#039;ve come in your life.
Write me if you have any more questions.|||about 2 years if you keep it up! go girl! and yes it does take a great range of motion and a TON of flexibility.
my best wishe to you and your yoga carrer, let me know when you make a movie, ill buy it!
The other thing about yoga is the spiritual aspect which comes with letting go of expectation, judgement and competition. This is more important than the flexibility and physical balance that we observe. So, once we%26#039;ve mastered those inner voices - once we%26#039;ve let go of those things like the ego which hold us back then, we may quite happily say that we%26#039;ve become %26#039;yoga pros%26#039;... but at that point, when you%26#039;ve conquered these ego based attachments, you might not want to be a yoga pro anymore - and be just really happy with where you%26#039;ve come in your life.
Write me if you have any more questions.|||about 2 years if you keep it up! go girl! and yes it does take a great range of motion and a TON of flexibility.
my best wishe to you and your yoga carrer, let me know when you make a movie, ill buy it!
I usually do yoga and relaxation things and stuff like that. and i have a couple questions
1. How long do you think it would take me to lose about 5 pounds while doing yoga?
2. What are the best yoga tips and exersises?
3. What are some good ways to relax?
4. Any advise about yoga?
Those are my questions..hope you can answer them :) thanks!|||I would add walking or aerobic exercise plus meditation and yoga.|||sorry but i think i perfer %26quot;Hans%26quot; answer better i didnt get to pick my best answer :( sorry hans. Report Abuse
|||If you really want to know the true YOGA ie- only after awaken of kundalini. In SIDDHA YOGA kundalini awakes within few minutes.
When kundalini awakes AUTOMATIC YOGA starts, try and experience TRUE YOGA visit- Report Abuse
|||1. Yoga usually isn%26#039;t a very good exercise for weight loss. It increases your metabolism very slightly, and helps to build some muscle mass. Not to mention, studies show that if you do some exercise of any kind in the morning, you%26#039;re more likely to exercise again later in the day. So for motivational purposes, yoga is an excellent idea.
2. I really like the book %26quot;OM Yoga%26quot;, from Barnes %26amp; Noble. It has a workout for each day. The best yoga moves are ones that require balancing, such as standing with one leg bent, hands in a prayer position.
3. Try to do yoga in the evening and in the morning. Use a more rigorous (balancing) routine in the morning, and a very gentle style in the evening.
4. Breath very deeply, inhaling to fill your belly first, then your chest. Count to 10, imagining something peaceful or something that makes you happy - a sunny place under a tree, a waterfall, or a landscape covered in snow are some of my favorites. Count to 5, then exhale, deflating your chest first and then your belly. Eventually this becomes habitual when you do yoga, and it%26#039;s very relaxing!|||1. Most overeating is an attempt to relieve stress / worry. Yoga relieves the stress so you will eat less.
2. Start with gentle yoga and try all sorts of poses. Restorative yoga is the most gentle and there is a sample class here:
3. Take 20 slow deep breaths every hour or so.
4. Practice yoga regularly. Do it only for 10 minutes or so if that is all the time you have but do it slowly, patiently and regularly for the best results.|||Doing the sun salutation is an awesome way to loose weight. I lost six kg in a couple of months. You need to do it for about twenty minutes every day.
Best tip for yoga is making sure your breathing and allignment are correct.
Meditation is the best way to relax.
Check out|||your questions dont seem simple to answer,anyway the best i can tell you that is Yoga itself calms and tones the body,but it isnt a cardiovascular workout,you must do at least a 30 minute a day brisk walk or some sort to increase the efficiency of yoga as a weight loss tool..
1. How long do you think it would take me to lose about 5 pounds while doing yoga?
2. What are the best yoga tips and exersises?
3. What are some good ways to relax?
4. Any advise about yoga?
Those are my questions..hope you can answer them :) thanks!|||I would add walking or aerobic exercise plus meditation and yoga.|||sorry but i think i perfer %26quot;Hans%26quot; answer better i didnt get to pick my best answer :( sorry hans. Report Abuse
|||If you really want to know the true YOGA ie- only after awaken of kundalini. In SIDDHA YOGA kundalini awakes within few minutes.
When kundalini awakes AUTOMATIC YOGA starts, try and experience TRUE YOGA visit- Report Abuse
|||1. Yoga usually isn%26#039;t a very good exercise for weight loss. It increases your metabolism very slightly, and helps to build some muscle mass. Not to mention, studies show that if you do some exercise of any kind in the morning, you%26#039;re more likely to exercise again later in the day. So for motivational purposes, yoga is an excellent idea.
2. I really like the book %26quot;OM Yoga%26quot;, from Barnes %26amp; Noble. It has a workout for each day. The best yoga moves are ones that require balancing, such as standing with one leg bent, hands in a prayer position.
3. Try to do yoga in the evening and in the morning. Use a more rigorous (balancing) routine in the morning, and a very gentle style in the evening.
4. Breath very deeply, inhaling to fill your belly first, then your chest. Count to 10, imagining something peaceful or something that makes you happy - a sunny place under a tree, a waterfall, or a landscape covered in snow are some of my favorites. Count to 5, then exhale, deflating your chest first and then your belly. Eventually this becomes habitual when you do yoga, and it%26#039;s very relaxing!|||1. Most overeating is an attempt to relieve stress / worry. Yoga relieves the stress so you will eat less.
2. Start with gentle yoga and try all sorts of poses. Restorative yoga is the most gentle and there is a sample class here:
3. Take 20 slow deep breaths every hour or so.
4. Practice yoga regularly. Do it only for 10 minutes or so if that is all the time you have but do it slowly, patiently and regularly for the best results.|||Doing the sun salutation is an awesome way to loose weight. I lost six kg in a couple of months. You need to do it for about twenty minutes every day.
Best tip for yoga is making sure your breathing and allignment are correct.
Meditation is the best way to relax.
Check out|||your questions dont seem simple to answer,anyway the best i can tell you that is Yoga itself calms and tones the body,but it isnt a cardiovascular workout,you must do at least a 30 minute a day brisk walk or some sort to increase the efficiency of yoga as a weight loss tool..
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